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Eleven Years

Posted: Sep 30, 2024, 6:57 PM
by Radley, B. G.
It's been eleven years.

I posted eleven years ago to this board hoping to get some new interest generated in the forum. See who's around. None of the important people, were, but Mickety had come around. He seems to have disappeared as well, with only ten posts to the whole forum.

I've changed a lot in that time. I went from angry, newly minted veteran to a very, very sad, very, very tired man. I've managed to do a lot for my health, though, especially through therapy. I've also been peer reviewed by several autsitics, and have been deemed 'autistic' by them. I'm working on my weight, too, gained during COVID's worst years. But, I'm 36, now, so my monitoring or working health is important, now. One more year left until I'm in my late-30s.

My writing's improved a lot, and I mean that with great earnestness. I actually wish I could show off to all of you, flex my muscles a bit. But, I don't think that'll happen. If you do ever stumble across this, check out my project with some friends I made: Dominionsfall. It may not be for everyone, but it tackles concepts concerning late stage capitalism and how the future might look in the hands of oligarchs, today.

I can't believe that everyone here helped me grow as a writer. If it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have properly pursued it, I think. I remember stumbling across this place when I was 17, eager to be a part of a literary project that was bigger than myself. Now, I wonder how all of you are doing. If some of you are gone, or if all of you are alive.

I miss all of you.

Even Sandros.

Re: Eleven Years

Posted: Feb 05, 2025, 10:25 PM
by Cohen, J
Necropost here. Not sure who will see this, but I miss you all too. Can't believe we're coming up on 20 years since the old days.