MOS Designations

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Posts: 90
Joined: Jun 25, 2011, 9:11 AM
Rank: Artificial Intelligence
Status: Healthy
Billet: Shipboard AI, USS Corwin
Injuries: Optimal Operating Parameters Maintained
Weapons: Unarmed
Designation: ONI Operating System

MOS Designations

Post by Arose »

0311 Infantry Rifleman: Rifleman are the backbone of the Colonial Marine Corps, acting as the primary element of any Infantry / Line Company. Generally outfitted with pulse rifles, flamethrowers, or shotguns.

0312 Designated Marksman: Basically an untrained Sniper who adds a precision fire support compliment to any small unit.

0317 Sniper: The highly trained basis of all precision based fire support on the unit level, these Marines are always attached to an ANGLICO Fire Support Team ( FIST ). All 0317 applicants need to have previous experience with AXOD, Omega Company, or Bad Company, before applying.

0321 Reconnaissance: Generally attached to the ANGLICO element of the company, Recon Marines offer security and support to Scouts and Snipers as well as intelligence gathering abilities for deep penetration operations. All 0321 applicants need to have previous experience with AXOD, Omega Company, or Bad Company, before applying.

0331 Machinegunner: These infantry Marines have been trained how to operate both the M41AE3 Heavy Pulse Rifle ( HPR ) and M56D Smartgun. They act as Gun Team-level Fire Support for the Fire team / Squad / Platoon.

0351 Demolitions: Demolitions Marines specialize in the tactical deployment of demolitions-type weaponry, from C4 / Detcord to the use of the M5 RPG, M6B SMAR, or M90PN Multiple Grenade Launcher.

0352 Heavy Weapons Expert: Also known as Assaultmen, these Marines add a heavy weapons compliment to any team element, with their extensive knowledge with the M90A2 Minigun, M6B SMAR, M7 SLAM, TSU17 Thermal Suppression Unit, or M242A1 Assault Flamethrower.

0621 Communications Technician: Possibly one of the most important Marines on the modern battlefield, the CommTech needs to be proficient both in infantry tactics as well as modern communications and electronic warfare. Usually comes equipped with an HN21G SS Radio.

0861 Scout Observer: The backbone of ANGLICO, these Marines are responsible for all Orbital Fire Support, Close Air Support, and like FS assets and their coordination for the maneuver element. All 0861 applicants need to have previous experience with AXOD, Omega Company, or Bad Company, before applying.

1812 Tank Crewman: The single man crew of the M426A Centurian Main Battle Tank. These Marines compliment the organic armor assets of the Integrated Armor Company.

8512 Combat Medic: The new-age Corps answer to replacing Navy Corpsman on the battlefield. All immediate medical attention on the unit level is provided now by Combat Medics.
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