Late to the Party

Home of Omega Company, this Conestoga class troop transport steadily prowls through the stars.
Cohen, J
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Late to the Party

Post by Cohen, J »


Revival from cryo was sometimes a long process, as one of the last Marines was beginning to discover. Though the pod had begun the thawing process at the same time as the others, the systems monitoring his vitals had deemed it necessary to slow the revival process. Now, after the other Marines had since departed, the last cryo tube popped open, and its occupant stood up, obviously confused as footsteps on the deck clanked closer and closer...
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Mickety, S »

((OOC: My first time sorry if I screw up.))

Mickety Had just Righted him self Out of his Cryo Tube and onto his feet.
As he did so he Cursed slightly about how he could barely see or hear anything "Fuck I hate cryo...." With The strange sound of armoured boots clicking and clanging along the deck to wards him, He looked around puzzeled trying to see if any one else was out of Cryo and noticed with his vision returning that some cryo tubes had opened maybe 6 or 7, but he could only two blurry figures walking towards him as they were at the other end of the cryo bay, with the metallic clang of their boots he thought 'What the hell normal boots don't sound like that.'

"What the holy snapping-duck-shit is going on here mates? And what kind of boots you wearin'." he said as he trudged towards his locker.

Just before He got to his locker Mickety took a look at the two figures he had just seen and saw that they were in what appeared to be Space suits and they were carrying weapons but he could not see what kind although they didn't look like marines they looked almost Slavic or asian. "Fuck..." he mumbled as Mickety froze on the spot, locker door half open with his head turned towards the pair.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Cohen, J »


The two figures stopped, staring at the Marine. Obviously at a loss for words or actions, the two hesitantly raised their weapons; two handguns. Speaking to each other in a rapid language that the Marine couldn't catch, they seemed to be bickering with each other. The smaller one gestured towards Mickety violently, while the other one looked questioningly at him. The two were lightly armed, and didn't appear to regard Mickety as too much of a threat, knowing that there were no weapons stored by the cryo tubes. They wore light armor, closely akin to the M2 chestplates worn by officers and smartgunners, and were obviously some sort of cleanup crew. The smaller one laughed, casually pointing his weapon at one of the cryo tubes. Training his weapon on Mickety, the small one gestured the other one forward towards the console at the far end of the bay.

The other one walked past Mickety, not realizing that he had just strayed into striking range. These two were obviously far from professional, and appeared fairly green in terms of experience and training.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Mickety, S »

As Mickety's vision fully recovered he realised they were only wearing light armour. As they seemed to argue they waved their pistols around pointing at both Mickety and the Cryo tubes, "Shit, the guys in Cryo can't even defend themselves." he thought, As they argued Mickety Quickly looked into his locker to look for something anything other than his BDUs. He found nothing, Then he looked through the BDUs' many pockets and compartments. What he found almost made him jump, A simple ball point pen.

Mickety turned around almost startled to find one of them the shorter of the two, point towards the console at the end of the bay and motion for the taller one to go there, with the taller one about to walk past Mickety he knew that it was now or never if he wanted to live get the one coming past him's gun and take it, but he hesitated for a fraction of a second going through the possibilities but also noted they seemed rather lazy with their and inexperienced thinking through his actions he decided that these were not friendlies and that the only course of action was to secure his safety then, Find out who they were and more importantly what they were doing along with the others from the other tubes.

Mickety then positioned him self about 45 degrees right and forward of one moving up towards the console and when he came into range, Mickety then swung the pen towards the neck area of the taller one point first, As he came past also steeping in front of him trying to avoid the aim of the shorter one at the other end of the cryo tubes.
Nebwie to board roleplay, crap speller.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Cohen, J »


The first man dropped, a look of horror and shock on his face. Evidently, he had thought he was safe. Yelling something about "treachery", the second man opened indiscriminate fire with his handgun as the room was suddenly bathed in the glow of emergency lighting.

"Attention. Fire detected aboard the ship's magazine and armory. Preparing cryo tubes for EEV ejection. All personnel proceed to EEVs immediately"

The second man was aboard the elevator, continuing to fire as the doors closed, the elevator moving down.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Mickety, S »

As the First man dropped to ground and somewhat shouted "Treachery" Mickety soon heard the Snaps,cracks and dings of bullets flying around the cryo-bay. As The second man opened fire Mickety jumped behind the Lockers to avoid being hit.

Soon the sounds of elevator doors opening and closing came out and the sound of gunfire dropped just as a message blared over the PA system. "Attention. Fire detected aboard the ship's magazine and armoury. Preparing cryo tubes for EEV ejection. All personnel proceed to EEVs immediately" "Holy shit what is going on?" he thought out loud.

Mickety Hurriedly put on his BDUs' and Collected the dead man's Pistol and two spare magazines of ammo that he was carrying. He thought over where he would have to go to get to the EEVs. It was down through the hanger and he didn't want to take the elevator all that was left was the emergency access ladders. Mickety moved over towards and opened the emergency panel and look down into its dimly lit red interior which melted away into black. "I wish I had a Light." he thought as he tucked his new pistol into his pants and began to descend the ladder.
Last edited by Mickety, S on Aug 06, 2013, 10:52 PM, edited 1 time in total.
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Cohen, J
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Cohen, J »


[continued from the "Drifting" Thread]

Moving with all haste, the Synthetic grimly nodded at Kellser as the two ascended towards the EEV's. As the two wordlessly climbed, the two heard the sounds of hydraulics and machinery moving, the sounds of cryo-tubes being loaded onto the EEV's. The hatch above them opened to reveal another bemused looking Marine, with the tag "Mickety" on his BDU's. Obviously one of the cold-transfers to the Omaha, the Marine was armed.

"Are you one of the last ones to wake?" Merric asked.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Mickety, S »

Mickety stopped. He heard a what he though were others climbing the same ladder and he had only gone a few rungs. A voice called out "Are you one of the last ones to wake?" Mickety looked down and could only see what looked like a pair climbing up.

Mickety thought over who they were. "What the hell, maybe they are from the empty tubes?", He stoped climbing.

"Yeah, but who the hell are you?" Mickety asked as he unholstered his pistol and pointed it down towards them with his finger running off to the side of the trigger housing.
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Kellser, M.R. »

From his position on the ladder under Taggert, Kellser couldn't see who they'd run into, but he could hear their voice. It wasn't one he recognized, but he could easily tell from Taggert's questions that he was, presumably, a friendly. Looking up, Kellser thought he could see hints of Colonial Marine armor in the glimpses of the other man that he caught around Taggert's frame.

Kellser heard the man's question, but not his weapon being drawn. Kellser simply looked up, as much as he could see around his synthetic comrade, and said "Friendlies! Corporal Kellser, Omega Company, this is Taggert. What's your name, Marine?"

((OOC: I don't actually remember if we went back to being Omega Company or if we're still running as Bad Company, so feel free to fix the reference if necessary.))
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Re: Late to the Party

Post by Mickety, S »

Mickety looked down still seeing and aiming at the two on the ladder. A voice different to the first came up from them "Friendlies! Corporal Kellser, Omega Company, this is Taggert. What's your name, Marine?". Mickety sighed in relief and re-holstered his pistol, and though "Finally some one else, maybe I can find out what going on."

"The name's Private Scott Mickety corporal, what the hell is going on apart from the fire there we two people in the cryo bay a few minutes ago, they weren't speaking English, maybe something Asian, and if there is only two of you i saw maybe between 6 to 8 other cryo tubes open what happened to them?"
Nebwie to board roleplay, crap speller.
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